Though the British controlled most of India prior to its independence in 1947, many of the Indian states retained their right to issue coins. Most coins could only be used within the state they were issued and there was little standardization of the coins or denominations issued from... state to state. The result was a bewildering array of coins, many of which have limited mintages. We have assembled a collection of coins from nine different states. These collections have proved very popular. Because of the difficulty in obtining coins of the Indian States, we sometimes have to vary the exact coins included in the set. The latest group of sets we made up included are a square Paisa from Bahawalpur, 1/4 Anna of Gwalior that pictures the Maharajah, a 1/4 Anna from Indore that pictures a bull, a paisa from Jodhpur struck during World War II, a coin from Kutch that was issued with a center hole, an eight-sided 1 Anna from Mewar, a Dokdo from Nawanagar that was struck from about 1570 to 1894 with virtually no change in the design, a 1 Pice coin from Tonk and a tiny 19th century Travencore 1 Cash that pictures a six-pointed star in a circle. It is a fascinating collection from a fascinating and ancient country. The coins generally grade Fine to Very Fine. An identification guide is included with each set. The exact coins included in the set may vary, depending upon what we have in stock at the time your order is received.
India introduced their first decimal coins in 1957. The coins were initially called Naye Paise, or new Paise, to distinguish them from the previous coins. In order to aid the many blind in the country, each coin was distinctly different. This six coin set includes the round 1 Naye Paisa, scalloped edge 2 Naye Paisa, the square 5 Naye Paise, the scalloped edge 10 Naye Paisa, the round 25 Naye Paise, all dated 1957, and the round 50 Naye Paise dated 1960, its first year of issue. The coins have the denomination on one side and the lion capital from the Sarnath pillar of Ashoka. The Ashoka lion capital was erected around 250BC and now serves as the national emblem of India. All 6 coins are Uncirculated.
This set of ten recent coins of India includes 6 odd-shaped coins. Included is the 11-sided 2002 2 Rupee features a map of India. The 2001 1 Rupee is struck in stainless steel. The 1999 50 Paisa features the Parliament building and a map of India. A rhinoceros is featured on the 1994 25 paise. The aluminum 1988 20 Paisa coin is a siven sided coin. The 1988 10 paisa is also struck in stainless steel. The square 5 Paisa is dated 1993. The 1971 3 Paisa coin is a six sided coin. The 1976 2 Paisa has scallopped edges. The 1972 1 Paisa is square. Because of their low purchasing power and the high cost of production, the lower four denominations are no longer issued and are increasingly difficult to get. The The reverse of the coins features three lions from the ancient Pillar of Asoka, a sandstone pillar from the third century BC. It is an interesting set that includes a variety of unusual shapes.
src:coins of india by india jai ho!